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Do Not Feed The Monkeys Sparks Debate

Digital Voyeurism Simulator Raises Ethical Questions

"Do Not Feed the Monkeys" Sparks Debate

Game Lets Players Watch Strangers Through Surveillance Cameras

In a world where privacy concerns are constantly growing, a new video game has emerged that raises ethical questions about surveillance and voyeurism. "Do Not Feed the Monkeys" is a digital voyeur simulator that allows players to watch strangers through surveillance cameras. Players can invade the privacy of these unsuspecting individuals and witness their most intimate moments.

The game's creators defend its controversial premise, arguing that it offers a unique perspective on the increasing pervasiveness of surveillance in modern society. They claim that "Do Not Feed the Monkeys" is a satirical commentary on the dangers of unchecked surveillance and the erosion of privacy.

However, critics argue that the game goes too far and that it exploits the privacy of innocent individuals. They argue that it is unethical to allow players to invade the privacy of others, even if it is done for entertainment purposes. The debate over "Do Not Feed the Monkeys" is likely to continue, highlighting the complex ethical issues raised by the increasing use of surveillance technology.


The development of "Do Not Feed the Monkeys" and the controversy surrounding it serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between technological advancement and the fundamental right to privacy. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential to consider the potential consequences and ethical implications before embracing it. "Do Not Feed the Monkeys" challenges us to question the limits of surveillance and to reconsider our own role in the shaping of a society where privacy is increasingly becoming a thing of the past.
