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Mosab Hassan Yousef Ceasefire Between Israel And Hamas Is An Illusion

Mosab Hassan Yousef: Ceasefire Between Israel and Hamas is an Illusion


Mosab Hassan Yousef, a former double agent for Israel and the son of a Hamas founder, has warned that there is no such thing as a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian militant group.

Yousef's Background and Expertise

Yousef's unique perspective stems from his intimate knowledge of both Hamas and Israel. As the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a prominent Hamas leader, he grew up within the organization. In his early 20s, Yousef became a double agent for Israel, providing valuable intelligence that helped prevent terrorist attacks and save lives.

The Illusion of Ceasefire

According to Yousef, ceasefires between Israel and Hamas are mere temporary pauses in hostilities. He argues that Hamas uses these periods to rearm and regroup, waiting for the opportune moment to resume attacks against Israeli civilians. Yousef bases his assertion on the group's ideology and history. Hamas is an extremist organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Its charter explicitly rejects any recognition of the Jewish state and calls for the establishment of an Islamic state in its place.

Evidence of Hamas's Deception

Yousef offers several examples to support his claim. He points to the fact that Hamas has repeatedly violated past ceasefires, launching rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns. In 2014, for instance, Hamas breached a ceasefire agreement within minutes of its implementation. Moreover, Yousef notes that Hamas uses the cover of a ceasefire to engage in other illicit activities, such as weapons smuggling and terrorist training. He argues that the group views ceasefires as an opportunity to prepare for future attacks.

Consequences for Israel

Yousef believes that Israel's willingness to enter into ceasefires with Hamas is a mistake. He warns that these agreements give the group breathing room and allow it to rebuild its strength. As a result, Israel becomes more vulnerable to future attacks.


Mosab Hassan Yousef's warning about the illusion of ceasefire between Israel and Hamas should be taken seriously. His unique perspective and extensive knowledge of both parties provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of the conflict. By understanding Hamas's true intentions, Israel can develop more effective strategies for defending its citizens and achieving lasting peace.
